1. Catholic pro-life organizations, companies, charities, and "celebrities," take note.  How is God at work in you?
    How to be a Catholic Superhero: give and serve, don't demand and take. 
    To be a true Catholic Superhero, one must abandon focusing on hitting the faithful up for money (they have suffered enough) to fund personal causes, and instead humble oneself and focus on serving. 
    It's not as glamorous, but it's also not as empty. 
    All the vulgar soliciting in the Catholic world contributes to the abortion mentality because it seeks to use people as a means to an end. 
    The devil is manipulating many, many Catholics with good intentions to use other people for financial gain in the name of Christ.  This is a form of blasphemy and is highly offensive to God.
    Jesus and Blessed Mother never solicited;  they served and trusted in God the Father to supply for Their needsHe always did.  They did not have large bank accounts, but they always received from God what they needed. 
    Make an examination of conscience before the Blessed Sacrament and ask the Lord to reveal to you if you are guilty of using people for money with the best of intentions and if so, you must change your behavior in order to stop offending God and in order to stop harming good people.   
    May we always strive to believe in imitation of the martyrs, love in imitation of the saints, and live in imitation of the Holy Family.  
    Catholics, we are obligated to uphold the highest standards of integrity because we represent the Eucharist. 
    We will reap what we have sown.
    "Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 
    and to Mary, Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are."
     ~ Saint John Bosco
  2. Good news!!  Loving help and healing are available!! 

    Is your heart in need of healing after being victimized by the abortion industry? 

    Launch a 'Golden Arrow' at your heart, and allow the Divine Physician to heal you!
    The Golden Arrow prayer can be found below.  Read on! 
    Your child is not gone; your child is with God! Jesus wants to heal your broken heart during this time of temporary parting. Name your baby, make a sacramental confession, and know that one day, you will be united again. 

    GOD LOVES YOU, and He has a plan and a purpose for your life! 

    Accept His pro-life summons; He can make good come out of every single situation. 

    God's love, mercy, and healing are available to every single person, 
    without exception, at any time. All we have to do is accept!!  
    Be sure to read this powerful story of Christ's healing:
    The Physician, the Pardon, the Healer, and the Peace

    A beautiful letter of support written to you with great love on 'Surviving Sibling': 

    What I, a Post-Abortive Sibling Wanna Say to the Abortion Minded Post-Abortive Parents

    Know that you are not alone!
    Tens of millions of people worldwide have been harmed by the lies of the abortion industry;
    everyone who has been harmed in any way is in need of healing. 

    Jesus want to heal you.  
    Let Him. 

    Perhaps the Lord wants YOU to be healed so you can go on to help others in His name.

    We are a wounded world in need of God's immeasurable love, forgiveness, and healing.
    All we have to do is accept them!

    Go, Team!!!   
    + + +

    The brand new pro-life book God Moments III:  True Love Leads to Life
    was written just for you!

    To access this third book in the award-winning God Moments Series
    as a free PDF document in English,
    God Moments III Book

    Joseph Karl Publishing's other exceptional quality, award-winning,
    life-changing books, written expressly for you,
    are also available at the link above,
    for free, as PDF documents in English.

    Remember, and never forget:  God is so in love with you!!

    God bless you for your courage as you reconcile with God, heal, 
    and accomplish the grand plans He has for your life. 

  3. The Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus and the Golden Arrow Prayer of reparation to God the Father for crimes against His Majesty are the weapons we must use. 

    The Golden Arrow Prayer


    "To contemplate the face of Christ, and to contemplate it with Mary, is the “programme” which I have set before the Church at the dawn of the third millennium, summoning her to put out into the deep on the sea of history with the enthusiasm of the new evangelization. To contemplate Christ involves being able to recognize him wherever he manifests himself, in his many forms of presence, but above all in the living sacrament of his Body and Blood. The Church draws her life from Christ in the Eucharist; by Him she is fed and by Him she is enlightened. The Eucharist is both a mystery of faith and a “mystery of light.” Whenever the Church celebrates the Eucharist, the faithful can in some way relive the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus: “their eyes were opened and they recognized him” (Lk 24:31). . . . I cannot let this Holy Thursday 2003 pass without halting before the “Eucharistic face” of Christ and pointing out with new force to the Church the centrality of the Eucharist. ~ Pope John Paul II

    "There is no stopping abortion without the Eucharist."  
    ~ Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon, S.J.

    One of the Nine Promises Associated with this Devotion:

    "By My Holy Face, they will work wonders, 
    appease the anger of God and draw down mercy on sinners."

    ~ Jesus to Sr. Mary of St. Peter

    November 29, 2012 
    Media contact: Paul Rondeau

    Washington, DC - The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has recommended that birth control pills be sold over the counter, in the same manner as cough drops, aspirin, or toothpaste. ACOG released its opinion November 21 and published it in the December issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology
    "It comes as no surprise that ACOG recommended that oral contraceptives be sold over the counter, without the need of a doctor's prescription or a parent's knowledge," said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. "After all, this is the same group that, in 1965, arbitrarily redefined pregnancy----without any scientific basis whatsoever---- so its members could circumvent abortion laws and prescribe birth control pills."
    Sedlak explained the following: 

    ACOG changed the meaning of pregnancy from its historical and medically accurate definition of 'moment of fertilization' to 'time of implantation.' This is because then, like now, oral contraceptives often did not prevent conception, but instead made the uterine wall hostile to the living human embryo. The definition change was critical in order to make the unscientific claim that a contraceptive prevents pregnancy rather than is an abortifacient that terminates it.  

    The danger to human life does not stop with the preborn baby. Manufacturers of oral contraceptives have, for years, admitted some other deadly side effects of using the artificial hormones. These include heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, and blood clots that lead to strokes. We have documented the deadly effects of the pill in our educational efforts and on our website (ThePillKills.com). It is an absolute tragedy that these dangerous drugs are being considered for over-the-counter status. Just as in 1965, this is all about ACOG's agenda, not the safety of the women, teenage girls, and their babies who are put at risk of irreparable harm if this is allowed to happen.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must approve OTC status. American Life League is encouraging all citizens to be vigilant for any announcements and to register all complaints with the FDA when this change is actively considered.
    Media inquiries, please contact Paul Rondeau at 540.659.4171 or PRondeau@ALL.org

    # # #
    American Life League, cofounded by Judie Brown in 1979, is the oldest national Catholic pro-life education and advocacy organization in the United States. For more information, please visit http://www.ALL.org.

    Thank you, A.L.L. for your vital work defending humanity.  "Help that kills isn't help at all."  ~ True Love Leads to Life 

    True Love Leads to Life recommends the following: What the Faithful Can Do to Stop the Global Assault Against Life  .  The information is based upon the Catholic Church's teaching on the Sanctity of Life and material by Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon, S.J. on stopping abortion. 

    "God, the Creator of Life, is pro-life.  Are you?"  ~ True Love Leads to Life 

  5. Every single life has great purpose. 

    A celebration of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Sacred Priesthood, its members, 
    and God's immeasurable love for each one of us:

    The Vestments, the Victims, and the Virtue!

    Our thanks to the parish of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church 
    in Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S.A.
    where the majestic, authentic Catholic images were taken. 

    Music:  "Imagine Anything" by Dan Phillipson.


  6. Every single life has great purpose.  +
    While speaking to a friend with developmental disabilities this afternoon about the election, she said she hoped that President Obama is NOT reelected. However, she thinks he is going to win. I told her if he does, I'll be one of the first ones thrown in jail as soon as we are stripped of our religious liberty. 
    "I'll go with you!!" 
    Vote pro-life!! VOTE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA. 
    America, the man himself said this election "is ours to win," and he's right!! Vote for him (and his anti-American pro-death and anti-religious liberty supporters), and we are sure to lose.  
    Vote for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!  
    Vote to end human abortion/the legalized killing of our citizens.
    VOTE FOR MITT ROMNEY for president of the United States of America. 
  7. In November, will America vote in favor of God, in favor of life? This is a very pivotal election for our nation.  We shall reap what we sow.

    In November, our nation will be granted exactly what we choose.  If we continue to choose in favor of legalized child killing, America will be asking for the loss of her freedom, and her wish will be granted. 

    If we vote in favor of life and respect God's laws, then there will be peace.  

    God commanded us, "Thou shalt not kill," while "Behind every abortion is the devil." ~ Servant of God, Father John A. Hardon, S.J. 

    Whose side are you on?  

    Choose wisely, for we will get exactly what we want.  

    A Catholic vote is ALWAYS a pro-life vote. 

     "One cannot be pro-choice and be living in imitation of Christ at the same time. 
     It just isn't possible." 
     ~ True Love Leads To Life

    "There is no stopping abortion without the Eucharist." 
     ~ Father John A. Hardon, S.J. 

  8. A sneak peek inside the pro-life book God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life, coming Fall 2012 (Joseph Karl Publishing).
    Whose Side Are You On?
    By Nick Bottesi

         One day this past spring, a guest speaker came into my 9th grade gym class to talk to us about the facts of life.  Basically, she said you can have sex whenever you want as long as you have protection and know about sexually transmitted diseases, and how to “be safe.”  I found it strange how she just came in to the classroom, did not say “Hi” or “Hello” or “My name is…”  She just started talking about sex. 
         She told us all about the different methods of artificial birth control, and encouraged their use.  Her talk made me feel awkward and from the comments I heard during and after her presentation, many others felt awkward, too. 

         In my opinion, nobody wanted to hear this talk and nobody liked this talk, but we had to listen. I only listened to so much because she was annoying and had weird demonstrations.  For instance, she made a sperm sock by rolling up a sock, and then she gave it a tail. I wanted to tell her what I thought, but I didn’t want to get suspended.  

    On day two we learned more about STDs.  She needed some volunteers for a skit, and for no apparent reason she chose me. I played Batman and had to explain to the audience how I had sex with Catwoman, then she left me, and I never trusted  another girl again. After the skit she showed us some messed up pictures of what STDs look like.

         Everybody was kind of grossed out by her entire talk.  Nobody agreed with her, either; after she was finished speaking, I heard students say things contrary to what she taught, like “You probably shouldn’t have sex until you’re older.”  After a horrible talk and those gruesome pictures, I felt like I needed to throw up. I wish I hadn’t signed the papers to hear the talk.   

         However, there is hope! One year before, I had gone to listen to a talk about sex, but this one was different. The speaker was Pam Stenzel, and she was way different. She is pro-life, advocated abstinence until marriage, valued purity, and handed out pamphlets that had dignified, useful information that helps young people.  She talked about how sex is holy and it should be kept holy, within marriage. I agree with her and her message. She told the truth about how sex outside of marriage, artificial contraception, and abortion harm people.  Not only that, she came across much happier than the other speaker and seemed more enthusiastic, like she wanted to be there.

         I have been to two different talks about sex.  One I hated, and one I enjoyed. The comparison is that one lady seemed sad, was rude, her message lacked morality, and it seemed like she wished she didn’t have to be there. On the other hand, the pro-life abstinence speaker was nice, had manners, was interesting, told the truth, and seemed like she wanted to be there. Whose message do you think is pleasing to God?  Whose side are you on? Because I know which side I’m on. 

    Andre, Alyssa, and Nick Bottesi with Pam Stenzel.

    To learn more about Pam's phenomenal work defending youth, please visit:  http://www.pamstenzel.com/

  9. "In its own way, abortion is a form of deicide.  It is an attack on God by trying to destroy what belongs to God."  ~ Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

    God's Grace: "Without a Superabundance of God's grace, abortion cannot be overcome.  Without the free cooperation of human beings with God's grace, abortion...will spawn a host of other evils in its train."  ~ Fr. Hardon

    The Three Main Sources of Grace: "There are three main sources of grace available to us from the mercy of God.  They are prayer, the Sacraments and the practice of virtue." ~ Fr. Hardon

    The Power of Prayer: "The efficacy of our prayer depends on our faith.  Christ promised to work miracles if we ask Him, provided we believe He is almighty God." ~ Fr. Hardon

    The Efficacy of the Sacraments: There are two sacraments that especially provide the grace necessary to conquer abortion.  They are the Eucharist and Confession.  And they should be seen together.

               - The Eucharist is correctly associated with the Mass and Holy Communion, but the Eucharist is not limited to Mass and Communion.  Jesus Chris is really present in the Blessed Sacrament, whether reserved in our churches and chapels or exposed on the altar for veneration and intercession by the faithful.

           - The Sacrament of Penance as the Sacrament of Confession should be received at least twice a month.  There need be no grave sins to confess.  That is the whole purpose of  "confessions of devotion."  They are potent channels of grace for the massive conversion of sinners.

    The Practice of Virtue: "We merit grace by cooperating with the graces we receive.  This practice of virtue benefits not only the person who performs a good work, but also obtains grace for others. 
    "Where can we obtain this grace?  From God.  But in His ordinary providence, God uses persons who are in His friendship to merit for sinners - here the agents of abortion - the spiritual light and strength to return to the God from whom they have strayed."  ~ Fr. Hardon

    "Nothing less than heroic patience in suffering, united with nothing less than heroic chastity in resisting the allurements of a world intoxicated with sexual immorality; nothing less than heroic charity in loving those who ignore us or oppose us or deride our loyalty to Christ as psychosis - can obtain the ocean of divine mercy that alone can restore the rights of God over the human life which begins at conception and is destined to continue into eternity."  ~ Fr. Hardon

    Our Task as Believers

     "Our task, as believers, is to gain all the graces we can for those engaged in the abortion trade and for their tragic victims.  Our hope is that they will respond to the graces they are receiving."  ~Fr. Hardon

    Source: Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., The Catholic Church:  The Divinely Ordained Protector of Human Life.


  10. A sneak peek inside the new pro-life book God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life.

    From Chapter 9:  Restoring a Culture of Life

    Something Men Should Know
    By Sean McVeigh

    Thunderclaps filled the air and lightning struck relentlessly all around our house. It was the worst lightning storm I had ever experienced since moving to our current house about seven years ago. While the storm pounded outside, a storm brewed inside our house as my wife had already been having labor pains with our first child for over 24 hours. The only problem was that her contractions had not yet grown close enough for the hospital to admit her for delivering our baby. As I sat there timing the contractions, I maintained a hope that God would somehow quiet the relentless storm by the time I had to drive my wife to the hospital. 

    Unfortunately for my wife, it was three in the morning before her contractions were a few minutes apart and we were able to leave for the hospital. Fortunately for me, however, there happened to be a break in the storm by that time. I thanked God repeatedly as we drove through the soft drizzle on our way to the hospital.

    Once we arrived at the hospital and went to the maternity ward, they admitted us to one of the delivery rooms. Since this was our first child, I honestly had no idea what to expect. Being that it was now three thirty in the morning, I imagined our son would be born by around eight in the morning. As a result, I called my parents so that they could get ready and head toward the hospital, which was located about three hours away from where they live. 

     To my surprise, my wife continued to have contractions all day and the baby was not born until after ten that night! Even though we were all exhausted, and I was suffering from a horrendous case of Lyme disease which I had contracted from getting bit by a deer tic the previous week, everything changed the moment our son was born. I think all of us forgot about the pain and fatigue we felt at that moment, however, that is not why I am telling you about this experience.

    The reason I am telling you about the day my son was born is because something I did not expect took place a few minutes after our son was born. You see, the nurses had immediately taken him over to a small table located under a heat lamp on the other side of the room. As they cleaned him up and put a diaper on him, he continued to cry uncontrollably. Being a first-time father, I really had no idea what I should do, but I instinctively went over to him to try to help. As I approached his side, I held my finger out and said, “It’s okay little buddy.” He instantly grabbed hold of my finger and immediately stopped crying. He also became incredibly calm and didn’t made another noise. I was shocked by the effect I had in the situation!

    One of the reasons why this experience surprised me so much is because I didn’t know my son would be able to recognize me at all. I especially didn’t think him would recognize my voice because I imagined it must have sounded very muffled when he was in his mother’s womb. However, it seemed to me that he not only recognized my voice, but it seemed he also instinctively knew I was his father. While I knew he would have a strong bond with my wife, I didn’t expect him to have a bond with me as well.

    The importance of a father in a child’s life became even clearer to me over the following weeks. There were times when my wife had been holding our baby for a long time and he suddenly became seemingly inconsolable. On more than one occasion, I went over and picked him up from within my wife’s arms to try to help out and our son stopped crying almost immediately. It sometimes seemed as though he was just acting fussy as his way of trying to communicate to use that he wanted to spend a little time with his father at that moment. 

    In a certain sense, I began to realize that children do not just want to also spend time with their fathers. The actually need it. I think children need both of their parents to more easily maintain a balanced emotional life.

    The last statement I made reminds me of a time I was getting on an airplane coming home from a preaching mission. There was a young boy around the age of eight screaming and crying because he didn’t want to leave his father. His parents had been divorced and he had flown to see his dad but now had to go home to his mother. However, the boy didn’t want to leave his dad because of how much he missed seeing him. 

    My reason for sharing these details with you is to help bring a greater awareness. I would like all men to realize how important they are in their children’s life. I think this detail is sometimes not emphasized enough within the pro-life moment and life in general. Fathers, your children need you. They need you to spend time with them. It is simply the way God made us.

    Before concluding, I will share a couple more experiences I have had with my own son that affirm the idea that children truly need to spend time with their father as well as their mother. For instance, after our son was a few weeks old, I had to go away for a couple days. I talked to my wife periodically while I was away, and she kept telling me how restless our child had been. This continued up until the exact moment I walked in the door upon returning from my trip. As soon as our son heard my voice, he was quite. He then became even calmer when I held him in my arms.

    The last story I will share to affirm everything I have been saying is one that took place earlier today. I took some time off from work to build an addition on our house to make more room for our child. As I hung the drywall in the addition today, I could hear our son fussing all day long. My loving, patient wife did all she could to calm him down but seemed unable to do so. No matter what she tried, he just wouldn’t calm down. 

    When I had finished hanging the drywall, I came into the living room to see my wife and our son. The first thing my wife said when I entered the room was that nothing would work to calm him down. All of her normal tricks that had always worked before seemed useless. After listening to her, I picked up our child who was now two and a half month old and started talking to him. He immediately calmed down and completely stopped crying. He remained calm in my arms and then fell asleep within five minutes.

    For all of you men with children out there, I want to reemphasize your role as a father. While it is somewhat obvious that a woman has a natural maternal bond with her children, you also need to realize that there is a natural bond that your child has toward you. I encourage you to share this message with as many fathers as possible, because many of them simply do not realize or comprehend this. As a result, there are many men in the world who do not set enough time aside to spend with their children. They need to realize that their kids need more than for their father to simply provide for them. They also need them to spend quality time with them.

    As I conclude this short story, I want to thank you for reading it and I hope you share this message, because I believe it is an important message that many people need to hear and think about.

    ~ Sean McVeigh is the founder of McVeigh Ministries, Inc., and travels to Churches, schools, and organizations in cities, towns, rural settings, and just about any place that invites him to share the Gospel message.  McVeigh Ministries, Inc. also publishes Catholic books that adhere to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. All its publications are designed to inspire Catholics of all ages to not only live their faith to the fullest, but also feel inspired, prepared, and compelled to share it with others. Sean's new evangelization book will be published Fall, 2012.  http://www.catholicguestspeaker.com 

    God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life will be published Fall, 2012.

Pray for an immediate, global end to abortion and euthanasia, and that all those harmed by them receive help and healing. Together, let's love, educate, and role-model an end to the greatest humanitarian disaster in the history of mankind. God is at work in you!
Pray Before the Blessed Sacrament for an End to Abortion & Euthanasia
Pray Before the Blessed Sacrament for an End to Abortion & Euthanasia
Links to Pro-Life Photo Galleries
Links to Pro-Life Photo Galleries
"If we do not teach people that abortion is wrong, others may convince them that murder is right." ~ True Love Leads to Life
His Mercy Is For Everyone
His Mercy Is For Everyone
"Help that kills isn't help at all." ~True Love Leads To Life
Click on the picture to learn more
Click on the picture to learn more
Pro-Life Image Gallery
Pro-Life Image Gallery
Pro-Life Image Gallery
Click on the logo to view the collection
"God, the Creator of Life, is pro-life. Are you?" ~ True Love Leads To Life
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
  • Susan Schoenstein
  • Ronald Schoenstein
  • Paul A. Ray
  • Nancy Carabio Belanger
  • Robert Westenberger
  • Andre J. Bottesi
  • Michele Bondi Bottesi
Blog Archive
Prayer to End Abortion
Prayer to End Abortion
Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself never to be silent, never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice not just for some, but for all, through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Source: Priests for Life
Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates.
"Abortion just doesn't make sense." ~True Love Leads To Life
Link List
The Catholic Revolver with Jerry Weber
The Catholic Revolver with Jerry Weber
The Catholic Revolver with Jerry Weber
Authentic Catholic, pro-life radio. Click on the picture to visit the official site.
Official brochure coming soon!
"Help that kills isn't help at all. Pray for an end to abortion and euthanasia."
"Help that kills isn't help at all. Pray for an end to abortion and euthanasia."
~True Love Leads to Life

True Love Leads to Life is an unprecedented new global and peaceful pro-life movement, led by Jesus Christ, whose purpose is foster increased sanctity on an individual level as we work together to love, educate, and role-model an end to abortion and euthanasia, and to promote vital help and healing for those in need.

Through True Love Leads To Life, every single member of the human family is being formally summoned to participate in the pro-life movement and peacefully defend life from conception until natural death.

People of all faiths and from every nation are invited and encouraged to join us. As you choose how you are meant to make a difference in the lives of others, remember: help that kills isn't help at all.

God, the Creator of Life, is pro-life. Are you?

Please tell us how you are making a difference. Send stories, ideas, photos, and news to : trueloveleadstolife@gmail.com or post as a comment on this blog.

How is God at work in you?

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Men and Abortion Network: Reclaiming Fatherhood
Men and Abortion Network: Reclaiming Fatherhood
Men and Abortion Network:  Reclaiming Fatherhood
Promotes emotional healing for men who have lost a child(ren) to abortion, while also working to create awareness among the counseling community, pro-life movement and society as a whole of the impact of abortion on millions of hurting fathers. Click on the picture to learn more.
Priests for Life
Priests for Life
Priests for Life
Click on the picture to go to the official site.
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Click on the picture to learn more.
Rachel's Vineyard
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If you or someone you know is suffering from the trauma of abortion, help and healing are available. Click on the picture to learn more.
Good Counsel Homes
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A Good Counsel mom may live in a home throughout her pregnancy, and then up to a year (sometimes more) after the birth of her baby. Each residence becomes a woman's home where she is able to learn parenting skills and is encouraged to work or attend school while living with us. All mothers share household responsibilities like cooking, cleaning and other chores. The needs of operating successful residences are many. We benefit from any donor support when implementing our programs and assisting mothers and babies in need. Click on the picture to learn more.
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